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The Bandwagon

I went to the supermarket yesterday, at around 3:30 pm, and experienced unusual levels of harassment while shopping in the store.

Walking by a woman with a teenage son, the son said ‘it’s our rule’ and the mother said ‘getting rid of Jesus banishers’ and then stood by me pretending to study the shelves like she expected me to speak; I walked away without saying anything.

I then walked towards two men, one very tall with glasses and the other shorter with ginger hair. They were both wearing trousers with a silver reflective strip, that looked a bit like work clothes. As I approached to walk by them one said ‘muh muh, muh muh’ (my name is Emem), then one of them said ‘they’re pickering’. I have heard the abusers say ‘we’re pickering’ to me in my home, it is a very particular thing to say that most people wouldn’t think to say off the top of their head in any given situation; it gave me the sudden impression that these men are immediately connected to the abusers who are abusing me in my home and sharing the abuse with people in the community. Deciding the men must be part of the torture circle, having picked out a couple more items I saw them further down the aisle and decided to film them on my smartphone for future reference. I headed down the aisle to where I last saw them, but as I rounded the corner they were nowhere to be seen and I didn’t see them again in the store.

On my way back up the aisle, walking down the main aisle past a group of people, a girl said ‘it’s you gaming bro’ or ‘it’s you gaming la’ or ‘it’s you gaming man’ something like that. I do game, both solo and multiplayer, and she said it right as she walked past like it was directed at me, I wondered how she knew about that and whom she would have been discussing that with.

I walked by an old Caucasian woman with a younger black man walking with her, and she said in passing, ‘you’ll harass’. This is something I have heard the abusers say to me in my home, and logged in my log of comments they’ve made to me too, which is available to read on my website. I wondered how and why the lady was repeating something the abusers have said to me in my home before.

At the self-scanning checkout as I was scanning my items an old woman and presumably her adult daughter walked by me, and in passing right by me the woman said ‘and that’s why they’re always wearing the same thing’ which I took to be a dig at me, or at least a very weird comment to make while walking by someone considering all the other things they could have been talking about. Shortly after that, having scanned my items and paid, I was walking by the other self-scanning checkouts on my way out, and a man scanning his items as I walked by said ‘lo-lo-la-lo-lo’, and I somehow felt again that that was strange and unnecessary, and maybe also something to do with the fact I was walking by, maybe trying to take the mick out of me somehow. He didn’t seem to be talking to anyone in particular; he was scanning his items facing me as I walked by in front of him.

I have a page on my website called ‘name and shame’ where I post any footage I can capture of any people who won’t stop stalking me, sharing information about me or displaying excessive interest in me, regardless of whether or not they can be proven to be part of the specific torture circle that is torturing me by speaking to me remotely and sharing information about their abusive behaviour with unknown others in the community and likely beyond. They may or may not be part of the specific group deliberately harming me, but wherever I find strange, unsettling or uncharacteristic behaviour from others in my presence I try to take a picture anyway.

A local post office puts pictures of shoplifters taken from CCTV footage on the entrance door to deter potential shoplifters from doing so in the store; there are several pictures on there. I feel deeply that harassing strangers in public is as serious an offence as shoplifting, particularly if it is premeditated and deliberate, and anyone who engages in such behaviour should be called to account for it. It’s similar to the catcalling or bum-pinching women often complain about. It’s similar to the problem commonly reported, for instance in Japan, of women being groped on the subway. Any inappropriate behaviour towards strangers in public is wrong. I’m uncomfortable with being around people who are happy to live that way and engage in those behaviours. In taking footage of such offenders and putting them on the internet, I’m exposing people behaving inappropriately in public, and suggesting that they shouldn’t be seen in public if they’re going to behave that way.

I have no reason to lie, so if anyone has a problem with me exposing them or dares to deny it, it will be because they know their behaviour is inappropriate, they know what they right behaviours would be, and object to being caught and exposed. This simply means they are false and hypocritical people, mutton dressed as lamb, who would have us believe they’re regular members of the public when in fact they’re lowering their standards of behaviour when no one is looking and being uncivil in public. Perhaps they were raised improperly and being civilised doesn’t come naturally to them. Either way I’m not going to have people pretending to be one thing while doing another around me, if they wish to traipse around in public like they belong in our community then I expect to see the corresponding behaviour. I also expect them to stand by anything they do regardless of who knows about it, because standing by what you say and do is all part and parcel of being a civilised, responsible adult.

In other words, if you’re behaving appropriately you shouldn’t mind any reports about your behaviour finding their way onto the internet, as you’re behaving in a measured, deliberate and reasonable way, you mean what you say and you’re prepared to take responsibility for your actions. In fact you’d do it again, even in full view of everyone, because you’re true to your word and have nothing to hide.

However, if suddenly on exposure you feel like denying it or become worried about who might find out about it, then frankly you’re a fraud, you put on a public face that doesn’t match the sad reality, you’re pretending to be someone you’re not and don’t belong in the company of the wider public you know would be disapproving of you. If you’re aware you can’t behave yourself and know it’s wrong, maybe you should stay home instead of walking around behaving inappropriately where you feel no one will find out about it.

I regret not getting pictures of the people making me uncomfortable in the store yesterday, and if they find out I’m exposing them on the internet they may cease the behaviour. Where there is smoke there is fire, and should they cease the behaviour, at least around me, I may have missed my chance to show them for what they are. It’s like if you discovered a flasher exposing himself to women and kids but didn’t get a picture; you would be unable to warn people about them as they wouldn’t know who you’re talking about. Take the mother for instance, who is raising her teenage son in an idiotic fashion where they’re both being offensive to strangers together; I really think people should be made aware of it. It’s a shame as they’ll now be walking freely around the city where other people may fall victim to their casually provocative behaviour; others who likely don’t have a website or means of exposing their spitefulness, when I do but I missed the opportunity to do so because I was too focused on shopping. I regret that, and hope to get pictures of such people wherever I may find them, in order to add a short description of what I saw them do and upload it to my website to warn others.

This is necessary, not least because some of the people engaged in this malicious behaviour are likely connected to something much more sinister, such as the two men yesterday, and the old woman with a black man, both of whom said things I have only ever previously heard from abusers in the torture circle speaking to me remotely.

Having said that, it is possible that some of abusers in the supermarket may have gotten their information from the website I myself created, such as the log within it of what the abusers say to me. Even so, that could only mean they are deriving satisfaction from tormenting someone whom they discovered has been reporting torture at the hands of greedy callous criminals utilising a new technology to take advantage of him. Needless to say, it is the wrong side to take; I didn’t write my reports in order for unpleasant people to gain satisfaction from them and seek to harm me in turn; in fact that is the most nauseating outcome one could imagine. Anyone who joins in with abusing someone simply because they found out some other people are, deserves to be exposed in their own right, as that is really the wrong response to abuse, and not what I had in mind when I created the website.

It should also be mentioned that beyond the few harassing me in the supermarket, no one else was doing it. It wouldn’t be because no one has heard that I’m trying to bring a torture circle to justice; though that may be the case for some. It is as likely to be that most people are above such behaviour, and would agree that it’s inappropriate. It’s a case of the disruptive few ruining things for everyone else, which is brazen of them considering I’m trying to make the issue a police matter. A footnote only, as not doing things we shouldn’t generally isn’t an issue.

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